Free housing options service
Staying in your own home does not need to be a struggle. We can give advice on how to adapt your home and can assess your needs for minor aids and adaptations (such as grab rails) and bathing assessment to prevent slip hazards when getting into/ out of bath.
Think about your own home and what might make it a good/ not so good place to live in older age. It may help to think about how a friend or relative who is disabled, would manage if they came to stay with you.
- Consider adaptations and repairs to your own home.
- Assistive technology can help support you in your own home e.g. gas sensors, movement monitors, community alarms. Have a look at
- Is there a handyperson service in your area which could help with small jobs around the home.
- Is your home cold or damp – if so could you benefit from insulation?
- Is your home safe and secure?
- Care providers.
- Can you get financial help?
- Check out the range of housing types available.
- Location – bus route, shops, friends etc.
- Size and Layout – Enough storage, What to do with excess furniture?
- Design – adapted or suitable for adaptation.
- Safe and secure – Warden Scheme?
If appropriate we will advice that you contact Occupational Therapist for an assessment.